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How Can You Help Ukraine

Posted on Mar 5, 2022 by

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The situation in Ukraine is becoming worse each day, and we, the common people, watch in shock how a war is unfolding on our phone screens. We’re all scared, angry, with a broken heart. But we can’t stop the war by ourselves, unfortunately. Most of us want to do something, to help Ukrainians, and many do so. In the countries who have a border with Ukraine, people have mobilised immediately to help the refugees, before even the local authorities had the chance to move a finger. If you want to help, you can do it from wherever you are, however you can.

Kyiv Landscape
Kyiv. Photo by Artem Zhukov on Usplash

The easiest way to help, if you can, is by sending donations to trusted NGOs who will then use the money as it would be needed. Make sure to use the proper link for donations, or specify that your payment is toward the campaign for Ukraine!

There’s a general mobilisation, people collecting goods and money everywhere, and those goods are reaching their destination (and soon, hopefully, they can reach the people who remained in Ukraine and desperately need humanitarian help).

I wanted to compile a list of associations where you can donate, based in Romania, Netherlands, Moldova, Ukraine. It’s difficult for people not speaking the language to find trusted sources in other countries, so I picked some for you from my native country, Romania. The Moldavian link is recommended by a Moldavian journalist. I hope some of you will check them too, because there’s much need for everything, to help the refugees immediately after they cross the border. This list will be kept updated, as this seems to be a long-term situation, not something that will go away in a few days.

These are mostly bigger NGOs, but you can always check out your local collection points and donate there, if you feel that’s more personal, or if you want to bring goods, for example.

A few rules for donating goods:

  • Ask what is needed before you buy/bring them. People tend to buy standard produce but the need is varied.
  • Label your donations: “Woman sweater, size 42”, “100 toothbrushes” etc. It makes it easier for the volunteers to sort them out.
  • Donate only clean, wearable items.
  • If you want to donate medicine or food, make sure the expiration date is visible.

!! If you are an Ukrainian on your way to Romania:

  • You will be received at the border by the local authorities and the volunteers, and they will make sure you get everything you need: food, clothes, medical assistance, a temporary place to stay. Then you can plan your trip further.
  • You can travel by train for free in Romania (and other countries like Hungary, Poland, Germany, Netherlands, etc) . For more info about free tickets in Romania check out this website: CFR România.
  • In this post from United For Ukraine you can find A LOT of information about transport (in English and Ukrainian languages): Info about traveling from Romania to other countries, refugees.
  • And this FB group is dedicated to the ones arriving at Siret Custom: Ukraine Refugees Siret.
How Can You Help Ukraine

Where to donate?


  • Razom for Ukraine: a volunteer charity organisation that was originally founded in 2014 to support Ukrainians after Russia annexed Crimea.
  • Help Ukraine — the link for the logistic hub. You can find many info on this website.
  • If you want to read the news about Ukraine from Ukraine, check out this website:

Carpathian Mountains
Carpathian Mountains. Photo by Kseniia Rastvorova on Unsplash


Romania is one of the countries in the first line of receiving refugees from Ukraine. Many volunteers are working day and night to offer these people a place to rest and recover a bit before fleeing further. Refugee families in northeastern Romania are being housed in schools, churches, holiday homes and guesthouses. You can find here a list of NGOs and some amazing people who started their own campaigns. Maybe you can’t donate to all these people, but you can follow their efforts on social media. They are truly inspiring.

  • Asociația Speranța pentru România – raising money to buy food and other necessities. They even cross the border, going to Chernivtsi in Ukraine to deliver these goods.
  • Donate for these people who are offering warm meals at the borders: Adi Hădean Association (#SolidarSocial ), together with World Central Kitchen are cooking for the Ukrainian refugees at the border with Ukraine.
  • Salvați Copiii România (Save the Children) — they are on site at the border crossing points, offering humanitarian help to women and children refugees.
  • Asociația Mameprenoare – a group of Romanian mums, collecting goods for the refugees. They are also accepting donations in money.
  • Casa lui Patrocle: an animal shelter in Suceava, offering help and medical care to animals coming from Ukraine, no matter the species. These are not abandoned animals, they are animals who were rescued by their owners from the conflict zone. They can be hosted at the shelter, receive medical care, because they arrive frozen and tired, same as the people. The association takes care of them while the owners can get their much needed care. Casa lui Patrocle even rescued a lost dog and returned it to his family.
  • Asociația Zi de Bine: they are planning to deliver goods to the refugees who crossed the border, but also to those waiting on the other side, in Ukraine. Also, they are delivering medical supplies for Ukraine hospitals.
  • Dăruiește Viață – sending medical supplies to Ukraine.
  • Aluziva Association: a woman with big heart, who just started this before the war came. She is now receiving refugees in her home and collecting money to buy what’s needed.
  • Arhiepiscopia Sucevei (Suceava Archdiocese) helps by collecting goods and money, and finding accommodation for the refugees.
  • Check out the FB group Uniți pentru Ucraina for more informations about everything regarding the Ukrainian refugees in Romania: United for Ukraine group.
  • People are helping: this hotel in Suceava that is offering shelter and food for refugees and their pets: Ștefan Mandachi.
  • Asociația MGM, present at the border in Suceava, welcoming refugees.

There are many other initiatives, especially in Suceava, close to the border. I can’t list them all but I think

Kyiv. Photo by Eugene on Unsplash


There are many local efforts in the Netherlands, so make sure to check what’s the closest to you. Here are a few I thought I should mention:

  • Vluchteling Association – the organisation helping refugees from all countries. You can donate for Ukraine in particular or for refugees coming to the Netherlands from everywhere.
  • War Child Holland: working with NGOs from Romania, Moldova and other countries to give psychological support for children and youth. They are preparing to train local organisations in psychological first aid and other mental health services.
  • Giro555 — 11 collaborating aid organisations, coming together to create a national action. If you live in the Netherlands, you most probably know this by now and have already donated to it.
  • Irina is from Kyiv and lives in Amsterdam. She organised the collection of goods to be sent at the refugees centres in Poland.


Moldova for Peace — they will use the money to provide goods for the refugees and the functioning of the volunteer teams.


  • Medical Teams International: deploying a team in Ukraine to deliver medical supplies.
  • IFAW (International Fund for Animal Wellfare)– they are sending help to animal shelters in Ukraine.
  • The UN Refugee Agency.

Other ways to help apart from donations.

If you can’t donate money or goods, or you have already did it and feel like doing more, you can also try the following:

  • Become a volunteer
  • Donate blood (in Romania they are collecting blood to be sent in Ukraine).
  • Stay informed (from trusted sources) and share useful information
  • Don’t share unverified information, don’t press share immediately on every video you see on social media
  • Protest.

Note: the pictures I chose to use are meant to show you the beauty of the non-bombarded Ukraine. I think it’s important to know the country as it was presented in a travel guide and not only as it looks like right now on the tv screens.

Lviv. Photo by Andriyko Podilnyk on Unsplash

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