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In winter, Amsterdam is stripped of most of its colours and can look a bit desolate.

Especially during those dark grey days when the night seems to never end. But, some days, the winter light can be magical — filtered through the clouds, pink, yellow and purple colours compete to create a veil of light that covers everything. It is then when I am reminded that the city is beautiful in any season, even in the snowless winters, and the sun is still there, waiting for the right moment to emerge again.

A walk in Amsterdam can be magical even in winter: the crystal clear canal water reflecting the city like a mirror; a bit of haze covering the streets in the sunny days, the steam coming from heating system dancing in the cold air. You can still find some green plants in the parks, and random plants start blooming as if it were spring (I’m talking about the cherry trees, indeed!). People still go about their business, wrapped in a few layers of clothes, enjoying the fresh air. There is beauty in winter, if you know where to look for it. 

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  1. Looking for beauty in winter | Amsterdamian - […] the past years I’ve made peace with the Dutch winter, and I found ways to cope with the winter…

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