End of November in Frankendael Park
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November, with its rainy days and grey skies, is almost at the end, but Amsterdam is still dressed in autumn colours. It feels like they lasted longer this year, and we could watch them changing from pale yellow to copper and brown. It’s been a beautiful autumn and I’m glad that the trees kept their colours for a while longer. There will be enough time to look at the sad, bare branches for the next few months! Frankendael park is one of my favourite parks in Amsterdam; it’s a park where you can admire a beautiful sunset, behind the trees and the Amstel towers, as you can see below. It’s a quiet park, and I love walking around the community gardens, admiring the last flowers of the year, around the little forest and green open spaces.

The dark red of the leaves reminds us that nature is preparing for a few months of rest, and maybe we should do that too. It’s such a comforting feeling to go home after a walk in the cold, after you watched a beautiful sunset, and warm your hands with a hot cocoa and your eyes with candlelight!
Are you enjoying the autumn colours in your area?
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