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Photo Session on a Cold Autumn Day

Posted on Dec 6, 2021 by

« Previous: End of November in Frankendael Park | Next: An Overcast Day at Petten aan Zee »

Autumn in Amsterdam is really beautiful, and, if you’re lucky, there will be some gorgeous sunny days to enjoy the autumn colours. Perfect for a photo session on the beautiful canals of Amsterdam! But there will be some freezing or rainy days as well.

On the day of the photo shoot I arranged with Tea, the weather gods sent us a taste of the winter temperatures. Happy there was no rain, we went on with our plans, but the cold made our work pretty hard. My hands were frozen on the camera and Tea’s cheeks were so frozen that she could barely smile. “Freezing on the canals of Amsterdam” would have been a more appropriate title for this article! But, in the end, we took the photos we wanted, we had a lovely photoshoots, and we got coffee and apple tart to reward ourselves for the effort.

We started the photo session at her beloved Rijksmuseum and then we went to the surrounding areas for as long as we could endure the cold. This was our third photo session. In the past years, Tea trusted me with producing photos for her blog and I feel honoured by that! You can read her opinion about our photo sessions in this article: My Private Photo Shoot in Amsterdam.

It was great to see her and catch up a bit. Tea is a cultural travel blogger, writing on Culture Tourist, a website that you should definitely check out! She used to live in the Netherlands, but she moved back to Croatia a year ago. Tea continues to write about the Netherlands (among other travel destinations). I admire her for her knowledge about art history, and for her dedication to her blog and creative activities. I think I love the most the art blogmas series she’s doing every year. So, so cool! She also creates colouring postcards that you can find on her website and order some for you and your friends. I’m sure you’ll enjoy browsing Tea’s work.

Update 2024: Tea is back to the Netherlands as of this year and you can check out her blog to see what she writes about Amsterdam and the country!

And here are a few of the photos we took:

Tea photo shoot 01
Tea photo shoot 02
Tea photo shoot 03
Tea photo shoot 04
Tea photo shoot 05
Tea photo shoot 06
Tea photo shoot 07
Tea photo shoot 08
Tea photo shoot 09
Tea photo shoot 10


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Stay tuned for more and follow Amsterdamian on Instagram and Facebook for daily stories about life in the Netherlands. Please share this post if you liked it!

If you want to buy prints and other cute objects, check out our store on Society6!

1 Comment

  1. I miss it so much 😢


  1. Photo Session with Local Blogger in Amsterdam | Amsterdamian - Amsterdam Blog - […] love it when my fellow bloggers entrust me with taking new photos for their website! One of these photo…

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