Amsterdam Through the Seasons: My First Photo Book is Now Published!
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Yes, I did it! I published my first photo book about Amsterdam! The excitement is big, and it makes me happy to see the book in my hands, to feel its soft pages turning and admire the vibrant colours.
Amsterdam Through the Seasons is a collection of photos I’ve taken throughout the years. It is a photo book, but it’s not so much about photos as it is about memories. The main goal of this book is to take you for a walk through my Amsterdam, a walk that combines many of my previous wanderings through this city.
Each photo brings back a memory for me: I look at it and I remember how I felt that day, what upset me or made me happy, who was with me when I took it. I didn’t realise it at first, but the photo walks have always been like therapy for me. They would be my moments of meditation or moments of thinking. I was walking around the streets and, focused on the city or on the people, I was slowly forgetting about whatever was stressing me at that moment, be it the stress of moving to a new country, work issues or love stories.

Living in a beautiful place is a blessing, because I can get out of the house and marvel at a pretty view, try to capture it in a picture, and it helps me cope with whatever life throws at me. That’s why after so many years of living here, I still feel compelled to take pictures of the same streets and same houses. These pictures are, most of all, witnesses to my feelings.
I wanted to share them with you as well, to bring a piece of my life into your homes; to show you how I saw the city throughout the years and throughout the seasons; to delight your eyes with colourful pictures and tell you a bit about what each season brings to Amsterdam. I hope you will enjoy it!
If you would like to buy the book, you can order it on Blurb: Amsterdam Through the Seasons. It can be a nice memory for you or a gift for someone who loves Amsterdam.
I will also do a round of signed books, so if you would like to have one for yourself please send me an email and I’ll give you the details.

Stay tuned for more and follow Amsterdamian on Instagram and Facebook for daily stories about life in the Netherlands. Please share this post if you liked it!