A piece of France in Amsterdam: Cocotte Crêperie Bretonne
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In the centre of Amsterdam, on Spuistraat, there’s a little cosy place where delicious dishes like Breton crêpes and galettes can be found. I was very happy to discover Cocotte, and even happier after I tried their galettes. They are pretty much similar to the ones I had in a France – maybe just a little bit softer than expected.
Made with artisanal buckwheat flour and fresh ingredients, the galettes are scrumptious and they can be accompanied by a flavoured cider served in a pretty mug. After that, a sweet crêpe is all you need and when you’ll leave the place you will be surprised that you are on a street in Amsterdam instead of Bretagne!

Merci beaucoup for those wonderful pictures and compliments !!!
Avec plaisir 😉