The beauty of a winter evening
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I keep going back and perusing the pictures I took in the few days of snow that Amsterdam had this winter. The ones I took in the evening are my favourites. This city has a special glow in the evening light and the snow only makes it more beautiful, resembling a place straight out of a fairy tale. The white of the snow contrasts with the orange glow from inside the gingerbread houses, the streets are almost empty because everyone is hiding from the storm; you hear the occasional laughter of someone throwing snowballs. Peeking through a steamy window, you look inside a café to check if there are any free spots for you to enjoy a hot chocolate. You resume walking, forget about the chocolate and take more pictures, play more with the snow, until you reach the next cosy café and you have to decide if you stop or go further. You marvel at the sight of a houseboat covered in Christmas lights and the walk goes on and, before you know it, you are soaked and have to stop and seek shelter. The hot chocolate will taste even better than usual and the sleep will be more tranquil. That’s the joy and the beauty of a wintry evening. In Amsterdam 🙂

Thank You so much for Sharing. I am taking a river cruise at the end of April and already counting the days!.
I’m glad you liked it, Judith! Only a few months till your trip 😉