A Foggy Spring Morning
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Foggy days are mostly the attribute of winter. You won’t have many of them in spring. That’s why, when I woke up one May morning, looked outside and saw a milky fog covering the roofs, I had to immediately go for a walk.
The city looked so peaceful, white fog mixing with the fresh green of the trees and herbs, floating above the canals. I walked around the city in awe, inhaling the very fresh scent of the air: wild herbs and blossom. By the time I reached the city centre, the fog was almost gone, but the morning was still quiet and beautiful.

I remembered how, in my first year after moving to Alkmaar, I was doing morning walks very often, sometimes even at sunrise, and it was amazing! I had more energy back then. I didn’t have to deal with the Long-Covid effects and with a very busy and stressful schedule. I’m in the middle of doing some changes in my freelancing business, and I would like to write about it at some point, if I manage to find the time (if the changes work, you’ll know, because the articles will appear). I didn’t have much time to write on the blog, and it was very upsetting for me. The only moment when I could talk to my audience, properly, in the past few months, was when I wrote the newsletter. And after sending it, I also felt I was heard. People replied, I had conversations, I didn’t feel I was talking to the walls, like it happened many times on social media or on the blog.

This foggy morning happened almost two weeks ago, and I only manage to write about it now. I promised myself I will stay on track this time, once I write this article, and I will post more on the blog. Maybe that was one of the reasons I postponed it, because I didn’t feel I could keep my promise. But I’m here now, trying to regain my creative grounds and make this a priority.

- Stay tuned for more and follow Amsterdamian on Instagram and Facebook for daily stories about life in the Netherlands. Please share this post if you liked it!
- Don’t forget to check out my photo book: Amsterdam Through the Seasons!
- If you want to buy prints and other cute objects, check out our store on Society6!
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