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The Netherlands is now in the second hard lockdown. Everything is closed, except the essential shops. Amsterdam is a ghost town again.

And while it’s true that some streets are still quite busy for what you would expect during such a time, there are parts of the city that are so empty it almost hurts. I got used to the empty streets and I enjoyed it for a while, walking around without bumping into people, but you have to admit guys, it’s weird. When I took my camera out for a walk on the streets of Amsterdam last time, I could only see the eerie beauty that surrounded me. A deserted city centre, a closed Red Light District with mannequins in the windows, closed doors. Now, more than ever, we can understand how much of a city — good and bad — is made by its people.

Amsterdam is still beautiful and inspiring, in a different way now, and I am glad I can still travel from time to time so I can enjoy this beauty. However, I’m waiting for the moment when we will complain about the crowds once again, when we will pass by each other on the street without having to keep the distance or being annoyed that the other person came too close. That won’t be happening soon, I know, but one can dream.

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  1. Life in lockdown: empty streets in Amsterdam | Amsterdamian - […] days, you would hardly guess that Amsterdam is in lockdown. The streets are buzzing with people, markets are open…

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