Going to the theatre in Amsterdam: Volts
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Visiting the theatre is one of the great things that you miss as an expat, when moving to a new country and before learning the new language (which can take quite a long time, when it comes to Dutch). Fortunately for us, living in Amsterdam means there are a few theatres that offer English speaking performances, so we can still enjoy it.
Last week I had the pleasure of watching such a play, at Melkweg. It’s called Volts, and it is put on by Orange Tea Theatre, a group specialising in modern plays in English.
It’s been a while since I last saw a play, and this was exactly what I needed: a two-person play on a small stage, with a small audience. Young, talented and enthusiastic people, creating art in a language that I can understand! The play, directed by Sam Morris, is a psychological thriller whose main characters are Stanley Milgram (the man behind the “obedience experiments” of the 1960’s — one of the most interesting psychological experiments ever, in my opinion) and one of his experimental subjects. Milgram is convinced to be a subject of his own experiments and things take a strange turn; memories and imagination begin to merge, leaving Milgram confused and in pain.
Unlike the characters, I was very happy to participate in this experiment and I had a great Saturday evening! Unfortunately, the next showing of the play is not known, but if you’re interested you can check out their website for news, or to see what other shows are on at the moment.
Here is a sneak-peak of the play – but because I wasn’t allowed to take pictures, I have to thank Bas Niemans for the nice ones below:
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Check out my photo book here: Amsterdam Through the Seasons!