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My favourite thing to do when I travel is to get lost on the streets and see what I can discover. A cosy street corner housing an old shop, or two ladies having a morning chat in front of the supermarket are, for me, almost of the same importance as historical vestiges. To feel the vibe of a place, to watch its people, even the tourists as temporary inhabitants, is what I look for in every trip. I dream of long holidays that allow me to dig under the surface of the places I visit, to get a glimpse of the real life, and get to know the people. But even if I have only a few days to spend in a place, I still do a bit of people watching and some aimlessly wandering.

Here are a few images I captured on the streets of Rome:



  1. A weekend in Rome | Amsterdamian - […] last weekend of November found me in Rome, eating ice cream, walking kilometres every day and enjoying the warmer…

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