Orange Theatre Company Launches First Season
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Last weekend I went at Perdu to see a new play by Orange Theatre. Yes, another one! I’ve been more of a consumer than a creator, lately. I abandoned my photography and writing projects and spent my time watching tv series or reading. When I went out, it was to see a theatre play or a dance show. But that’s ok, one needs a break from time to time, to replenish the energy levels and be inspired again.
You already know Orange Theatre because they made a name for themselves in the past years. I’ve seen and wrote about a few of their shows already. This year they have big plans. They will have a full season of English speaking theatre! I was lucky to be invited to the premiere of the first play of the season: ART. This is an award-winning comedy, with interesting discussions about art and friendship. I learned that the original play was originally written for three men, but Orange Theatre decided to change it a bit and present it with three women. I haven’t seen the original version, but I could swear the play was written for women!
After the show ended there was a Q&A session with the team and a reception where the audience could mingle while sipping on champagne. It was a lovely evening and I’m glad I could share this special moment with them! If you want to see the play, you can do that next week on March 9 and 10 at the Tobacco Theater.